Monday, September 3, 2007

I think I have been called...

Adoption has touched my life more than I could ever have imagined. I think it all started before I was married to my husband.

I remember getting a call from him at work (we were just dating at that point - it had only been about a month or two.) He was so excited - his mom had just called and his sister and brother-in-law had just referred their first son, who would soon be called Quinn. It was something I will always remember.

A few months later, we were meeting Quinn for the first time. Here was this little boy, who had been taken thousands of miles to a strange land, with strange people. He was all smiles, with bright beautiful eyes. It was an incredible experience.

A couple years later, the next amazing experience happened. By this time, my husband and I were experiencing a mild form of infertility. At the same time, my sister in law and brother in law traveled back to Russia to bring home a little boy and a little girl. What an experience that was...and I only know a little.

We started looking into adoption from China but then became pregnant soon after. Even though we didn't adopt at that time, I knew it was still in my heart.

Well, of course, as you are reading this blog, you know we have since adopted our daughter Kaycee from China. She has been home for two months and is doing wonderfully!

Before you think I am going to called to adopt again, keep reading...

I really feel called to start a ministry for orphans. I have prayed and prayed. I have started research and more research. I have talked and talked to my husband. But this is the first time I have put it into writing.

I want to help families get past the obstacles of funding their adoptions. Even though we have adoption debt and it isn't a small amount, I still feel led to help others.

I wonder if there is some way to help even one more child find their forever family? I have started research with Shoahannah's Hope. They are an incredible resource! They have information on how to approach your church about a ministry, etc.

I am scared to death, but am feeling very led to do this...


Anonymous said...

You go for it, Valerie. If you feel that God is calling you, you know you have to listen! I always wonder how things may have been different if I would have listened more closely to what God may have wanted me to do. Don't let fear hold you back it's the only thing satan has to use. The blessing will be worth it.

Tami said...

Do it! And I'll be right there to help you!!! I have felt a tugging on my heart as if God is calling us to do this, maybe we should do it together. What do you think? What do we need to do?
BTW - It was sweet of you to mention the kids. ;)

Ladyblog said...

I know how you feel. I wish the best in this endeavor.